
Sunday, August 25, 2013

18 Months

That's how long it took me to dress for church this morning.

I mean, that's how long it took me to find this skirt,
to complete this ensemble,
to duplicate this look, I mean.

It was 18 months ago that I pinned the inspiration
~ time enough for a trend to pass
~ time enough for me to forget how much I liked it.
But that's the brilliance of Pinterest.
I pinned it and I waited and I watched the thrift store racks
...for 18 months...
But I completed the task!

inspiration source: via Pinterest
What good are all those pins anyway without the follow-through?
What counts is that I'm happy with the result.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

It's Been A While

"  Oh my gosh," I said in a growly, gutteral, oh my gosh kind of way as I pulled the dress from the pile.

My friend gave a sideways glance.

"For real," I said.  "How lovely."

Crickets chirruping.

"Don't you think this is a beautiful dress," I finally asked.

Still, no verbal affirmation but I think her answer was in the raised eyebrow and pursed lips.  We talked then about how well the 60's polyester holds its color and the fact that I'd better not light a match.

I was in a quandary for whether to wear it now, as we ease into the fall fashion season, or wait till the more springy season when the colors might make more sense.  I knew that "now" would require one of those "completer piece" things and then I remembered the pea green top thing.  I found it a couple of months ago and knew instantly that it was not for me. The fit, the color ~ I'm pretty sure that infant poo has never been the It color (but I kept it, just in case.)

...and then I sprained something.

So there are plenty of reasons for me not to have worn this.  Truth is, though, it's been a while since I
was this inspired by my ensemble, and that, seriously, should be one of our guiding factors when assembling a wardrobe.  Don't ya think?